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Gransy s.r.o. manages
17 932

Domain verification

You can verify the availability of your domain here. There is more than 700 TLDs from around the world to choose from.

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The news
Previous news

  • Regtons.COM

    • More than 300 TLDs
    • 10MB FTP, Forwarding
    • Anonymous gTLD registration
    • 24/7 Technical support
    • Full automation, API


  • Reseller panel

    • Low prices
    • Whois banner
    • Users management
    • Customizable pricelist
    • Custom HTML/CSS


  • Registrar panel

    • Panel for own accreditation
    • Full management
    • Logs, POLL Messages
    • All bulk operations
    • Custom HTML/CSS


  • Registry services

    • Solutions for custom TLD
    • EPP Server
    • Many register settings
    • 24/7 Technical support
    • "99,99 % DNS Services"


High level security

High level security

Regtons.COM offers a high level security of your account and domain names. Account login and some steps in the account can be secured by using offline stick! For more information contact us at

Registrant Rights and Responsibilities (ICANN document) - gTLD Registration Agreement