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Gransy s.r.o. manages
17 932

Reseller program

Access to Reseller program is designed for users, who want to offer services like domain registration and domain management, directly to their users. These users are webhosting companies, webdesign studios, network administrators for example. Also is designed for users with a lot of domain.

We offer:

  1. Web reseller interface
  2. Users management
  3. Simplified authorization of domain changes
  4. Possibility of own logo on authority sites
  5. Whois reseller banner
  6. Dedicated support for API
  7. Possibility to operate with your own HTML / CSS on your own domain

How to do it:

If you are interested in co-operation and access to Reseller program, just register to subreg and via contact form you can request Reseller contract. This contract you must sign and send to us by surface mail.

What is Whois Banner

Whois banner is text, which is possible attach to end of output from Whois server. This can include for example, more information about reseller contacts.

Registrant Rights and Responsibilities (ICANN document) - gTLD Registration Agreement